Virtual Proctoring

Virtual Proctoring

The Learning curve of surgical procedure starts with introduction to the procedure in different conferences & CME’s & ends with handholding & proctoring by experts. The virtual proctoring initiative of the foundation, enables proctoring during the practice of new surgeons on mannequins or animals, to be conducted in presence of world renowned eminent surgeon.

Imagine an eminent surgeon who usually in regular proctoring process would be beside you in OT, is now 2000 miles away but still live as though besides you. This initiative entails interested people to get enrolled to foundation. On registration the foundation would get in touch with interested candidates & explain the process of registration to the virtual proctoring.

This handholding initiative completes the curve of learning & that too by eminent surgeons of the same specialty. Virtual proctoring thereby enables good response in India and probably one of the important reasons, why KREAD initiative are much sought after.